[TIP] How to Fix a Bent Metal Sign

By Huy Chien on Jun 06, 2023

Upon uncovering your long-awaited sign, it can be disheartening to encounter the disarray of a bent shape upon unboxing. Whether it is a meticulously packaged new and exquisite sign, bending may occur during the shipping phase due to various factors. Consequently, you may be seeking guidance on rectifying the issue of a bent sign and restoring it to a flat state.

The presence of bent areas on the sign not only compromises its aesthetic appeal and creates an unsightly appearance but also poses challenges during the installation process. Consequently, it is highly recommended to promptly address this issue upon detection. At Toptrendygear, we possess extensive expertise in rectifying bent signs and restoring them to their original form. Therefore, we are well-positioned to guide you through some of the most effective methods to achieve a flat and pristine sign.
In this guide, we’ll cover two methods:
  • Using Hands to flatten the Metal Sign
  • Using a Rubber Hammer or a Cloth-Wrapped Iron Hammer
Using Hands to flatten the Metal Sign
Typically, the curved areas of the sign are situated at the patterned sections, so the link at these points is usually not too hard. Therefore, the simplest method involves manually bending these areas using your hands. Please follow the provided steps diligently:
Step 1: Assess the overall condition of the warped metal sign.
Step 2: Bend gently and even pressure with your hands on the warped area of the sign. Gradually and patiently bend it back into shape, while carefully monitoring the bending process to avoid causing further damage.
Step 3: Check the sign after each bending attempt to see if the warping has sufficiently flattened. If necessary, continue bending until the sign becomes flat.
Using a Rubber Hammer or a Cloth-Wrapped Iron Hammer
If the manual bending of the sign by hand fails to achieve complete flatness, an alternative and effective approach involves the utilization of either a rubber hammer or a cloth-wrapped iron hammer. Kindly proceed with the subsequent steps outlined below.
Step 1: Prepare a flat wooden surface or any other sturdy flat surface.
Step 2: Place the warped sign on the flat wooden surface.
Step 3: Use a rubber hammer or a cloth-wrapped iron hammer (to prevent damage to the sign's surface) and lightly tap on the warped area of the sign. Tap gently and patiently to avoid causing further damage to the sign.
Step 4: Continue tapping on different areas of warping on the sign. The warping will gradually flatten during this process.
Step 5: Thoroughly inspect the sign after each tapping session to determine if the warping has significantly reduced. If needed, repeat the above steps until the sign becomes flat.
To flatten the Metal Sign using these two particular methods, it is recommended to closely follow the instructions presented in this video.
We trust that the utilization of these two methods will facilitate an effortless and efficient restoration of your warped metal sign. Nonetheless, if you encounter any challenges or require additional assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
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